Welcome to DoTA UTP blog!

To establish our DoTA Community as legal club or society in UTP at 2013

- Strenghten our bond as a UTP students through DoTA
- Mould a talented DoTA players among us
- Bring DoTA UTP scene to the next level

" DoTA Unite Us All "

DoTA Ultilities

Guys check up on this cool websites about the latest news or updates on DoTA. You also can download few utilities that might help you lot during gaming!

DotA Replay Manager 2.05 :
This apps would help you to watch replays!

Dota model pack :
This apps would change your DoTA models likes heroes,creeps and buildings!

Diabolic Warcraft III Tools :
This apps would help you to customize the appearance of your DoTA!

Dota Resolution Changer :
This apps would help you to optimum your DoTA graphic or resolution.